Staging Diva Training Satisfaction Survey Step 1 of 4 25% We appreciate your taking the time to complete this survey, and we look forward to sending your BONUS GIFT. Please note that your answers will remain anonymous unless you choose to provide your contact information at the end of the survey. (To qualify for the Bonus Gift, you need to complete all questions marked with an *. If you are taken back to the survey after submitting the survey, please scroll down to see which questions you did not answer that are required. Once the survey is completely filled out you will be taken to the Bonus page.)Did you download your Staging Diva Training Program materials or were they mailed to you in a binder?* Downloaded course materials Received training materials in the mail Did you feel inspired by taking the Staging Diva Program?* Yes No Any comments to add to question 2 (optional)?Did you already have a staging business before taking this program?* Yes No What are you going to do differently in your business as a result of taking the program? (Please check all that apply.) Charge more for my services. Focus marketing more on homeowners rather than on real estate agents. Explore PR opportunities and look for ways to be featured in the media. Participate in networking events and associations to get the word out about my business. Visit open houses to introduce myself to real estate agents. Promote my business online with my own website or a listing in the Staging Diva Directory of Home Stagers. Be more specific about my goals and focus my efforts on growing my staging business. Replace the need for contracts with getting paid along the way so I'm financially protected. Will not do anything differently. Other (please specify) below Other*Do you feel more prepared now to start or grow your staging business than you did before the Staging Diva Program? Yes No Are you planning to seek additional training before launching your home staging business?* Yes No What topics will you seek more training on? (Optional)Did you take other home staging training BEFORE taking the Staging Diva program?* Yes No Please check all that apply (optional) ASP CSP HSR Other (please specify) below Other Training Course Name*Only a few more questions until you can get your bonus! In your opinion, is the Staging Diva Training Program worth the investment you made?* Yes No How well did the Staging Diva Program meet your expectations?*not at allpartiallyfairly wellmetexceededAny comments to add to the question above (optional)?Would you recommend the Staging Diva Training Program to other aspiring home stagers?* Yes No If you feel you benefited from the Staging Diva Program, would you like to provide comments to be read by others who are considering enrolling in the Staging Diva Program? If so, you can enter your comments here.Name* First Last Company NameEmail* Enter Email Confirm Email City*State / Province*Please upload a photo that we can include with your comments if we choose to post them. (optional) - Note photos are limited to 2 megabytes in size or less.Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 8 MB.Would you be interested in additional products on the following topics? How to use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) How to build your online presence How to accept credit cards for payment How to get publicity How to write effectively for the Internet How to drive traffic to your website How to avoid the worst mistakes when building your site How to write and deliver an effective presentation How to generate sales with pay-per-click ads Other (please specify below) Other Product Interest*How did you first hear about Staging Diva Training?* Friend / relative Realtor or other home stager Facebook Google Search Google Ad ("Sponsored" content that runs across the top or right side of search page) Instagram Pinterest Newspaper or magazine article TV Article on another website Don't remember Other Other*What are the three things that you're still most worried about in getting your business going? Click + to add another (up to three)PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ